Solution, Solute and Solvent

Chemical solution

By definition, a chemical solution is a homogeneous mixture of two or more substances. The dissolved substance is called the solute and is usually present in a small amount, compared to the substance in which it is dissolved, called the solvent.

Basically a solution is made up of a solute plus a solvent.


The solute is the substance that dissolves in a solution. The solute is usually a solid (but can also be a gas or other liquid) that dissolves in a liquid, making a liquid solution.

In the solution, the solute is usually present in a smaller proportion than the solvent. An important characteristic of the solute is its solubility, that is, its ability to dissolve in another substance.

Common examples of solid solutes are sugar or salt which, when mixed with water, form a sugar or salt solution respectively.


Solvent, also known as solvent, is the substance in which a solute dissolves, resulting in a chemical solution. Generally, the solvent is the component that is found in the greatest proportion in the solution.

As examples of solvent, the most common is water, since it acts as a solvent in a large number of substances.

Therefore, in a sugar water solution, water is the substance that dissolves the sugar.

Solution, Solute and Solvent

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